This site contains general links to Stev Leibelt.
This site should be used as central place to go if you want to find informations about the subject "Stev Leibelt".
- | The not so maintained but mainpage of Stev Leibelt
- | The place where you can download my archiso with build in openzfs
- | The mainpage of my free and open source development projects
- vacancy(AT)leibelt(DOT)de
- +49 one-seven-seven-seven 5149 85
If you are looking for:
- Java, Python, PHP
- React, Angular
- PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB
- AWS, S3, EC2, ECS, EKS
- Linux system administration
- Git and CI with TDD
- Docker, Kubernetes
That's not a Full Stack Developer. That's an entire IT department.
Your truly
Source 20230606T12:00:00
- Created: 20220816
- Updated: 20240201
Made with vim, almond.css and linux.
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